Closing of the 239th AUN-QA training program quality assessment
After 5 days of very professional, serious, transparent and fair work of AUN-QA experts with the School of Foreign Languages – TU. In the morning of September 9, 2022, at meeting room 1 – School of Foreign Languages, the closing session of the 239th external evaluation of the training program according to AUN-QA standards of the Southeast Asian University Network took place.
Dr. Le Hong Thang – Rector, Dr. Luu Quang Sang – Vice Rector and officials, lecturers and representatives of faculty leaders whose programs were evaluated in this round attended the event.

Overview of the closing ceremony of the evaluation program
At the closing session, the representative of the evaluation team, the main assessors – AUN experts presented the preliminary assessment results, analyzed the strengths of the training program, and also pointed out the issues that need to be supplemented and adjusted. The results from this assessment activity will help SFL and English Faculty leaders determine the degree to which the quality standards of the training programs are met, from which, there are solutions to improve and enhance the quality of the training programs to meet social needs.
Summing up the online assessment activities for the training program, the leader of the evaluation team highly appreciated the efforts of the school, the smooth coordination and organization of the relevant units and individuals. She also recognized and highly appreciated the spirit, attitude and positive cooperation of the school in ensuring the quality of education in the ASEAN region and believed that the encouraging results from the recent evaluation will contribute to helping the school improve its training quality and affirm its brand in the region and in the world.

Giving speech at the closing session, Dr. Le Hong Thang, Rector of school, thanked the AUN-QA assessors, the AUN-QA Council and Secretariat for their efforts during the past time, to carry out the program evaluation training program of SFL. At the same time, he also shared that the work of quality assurance has always been paid special attention by the School of Foreign Languages in all training activities, scientific research, etc. The recommendations and suggestions of the evaluation team will be the foundation which helps the school, faculties and department constantly improve the quality of training programs, affirming the school’s brand to society.

Photo at the end of the evaluation program
Participating in these external assessment activities not only aims to improve the training quality of the school but also an opportunity to affirm the position of the School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University in the domestic education map, region and around the world.