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Political Education and Career orientation week for seniors

Implement the Plan No. 2149/KH-ĐHTN dated 23/5/2023 of Thai Nguyen University in organizing the Political Education and Career Orientation Week for last year students of Thai Nguyen University, School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL), On June 4, 2023, TNU-SFL organizes the “Political Education and Career Orientation Week for seniors” with the participation of more than 500 last year students, representatives of businesses, companies, teachers, faculties,  departments of the TNU-SFL.

The program takes place with many major topics to help students preparing for graduation such as understanding and improving skills to find and choose suitable jobs; skills in answering interviews, recruiting ,…; capture information on political security and social evils; knowledge to prevent recruitment scams,…; actively connect with employers, learn and grasp the labor market to orient future career development; some basic contents of laws for students such as: Labor Law, Law on Civil Servants and Public Employees, Law on Anti-Corruption ,.. guide for graduation examination procedures.

Opening the program is the sharing of the Department of Internal Political Security – Thai Nguyen Provincial Police on issues of political security and social order, drug prevention and social evils.

Internal Political Security Department, Thai Nguyen Provincial Police disseminates at the event

Next, there is the sharing of Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thuy – Dean of Faculty of Basic Sciences on legal knowledge for students, focusing mainly on: Labor Law, Law on Civil Servants, Public Employees, Law on Anti-Corruption ,… help them to have the the basic understanding to participate in the labor market after graduation.

Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thuy – Dean of Faculty of Basic Sciences shares legal knowledge with students

Finally, the necessary information for students about the internship process, guidance on graduation examination procedures, procedures when graduating is provided by Mr. Cao Viet Dung – Deputy Head of Academic Training and Learner Management Department.

Especially at the program, the topic that attracts the most participation and attention is the content of the seminar between businesses and students on “Career skills, job opportunities”. Through  the “Seminar”,  students will receive a lot of knowledge to improve and develop themselves, realize their dreams and passions of creative startups; support them to better orient their own development path in the future; open up job opportunities and internship environment suitable to each individual’s unique capacity to meet the input human resource needs of enterprises right after they graduate.

Mr. Tong Van Kien – Head of Recruitment Department, GoertekVina Science and Technology Co., Ltd. shares “Information about job search skills; resume building skills, job interview skills”

Mr. Ngo Trung Phung – Executive Director of Green Edu English Center shares at the seminar

After an exciting seminar, students will be exposed to information about recruitment of businesses, corporations, experience and practice interview skills.

Students participate in job interviews

And receive attractive gifts from businesses

With vacancies from large corporations and enterprises: Goertek Vina Science and Technology Co., Ltd.; Sunergy Vietnam Joint Stock Company; SAE International English Company; Green Edu English Center…. Students of TNU-SFL do not need to worry about finding a job after graduation.

The political education and seminar on career skills and job opportunities for students ends successfully. The program takes place in a joyful and exciting atmosphere of teachers, representatives of businesses and students. The seminar not only enhances the integration and career guidance of students but also helps students receive more valuable information, acquire more knowledge, skills, new things about the dynamic market, future generations of students successfully land on the path they have chosen.

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