School of Foreign Languages Organizes Mentoring & Skills Training Programs For students and lectures who were preparing for APTIS exams.
Attending the meeting were representatives from British Council including specialists Mrs. Elizabeth Kentmann, team leader, Mrs. Sadie Maddocks – teaching assistant and Mrs. Cao Vu Hoang Chau – management staff member representing APTIS exam British Council in Hanoi. Individuals that were consulted and trained includedlecturers of the SFL English Department and students of SFL.

The program took place with excitement, openness from the students of SFL. Elizabeth Kentmann briefed participants about tests using the APTIS scale to achieve English proficiency from A1 to C2, according to the European reference framework. Additionally, Mrs. Kentmann and her assistant enthusiastically answered questions and addressed the difficulties of students during a refresher session. Mrs. Kentmann also created groups for students to discuss a few topics and to help students visualizethe shape of the APTIS written test more clearly.