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The 2nd Ceremony of degree awarded to student of School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University in 2023

In the morning of October 28 and 29, 2023, at the Convention Center – Thai Nguyen University, SFL-TNU solemnly organizes the 2nd Ceremony of degree awarded for nearly 500 students majored in English, Chinese, Russian – French.

The SFL’s leaders take photos with representatives of the new graduates

Attending the ceremony, from Thai Nguyen University, there are representatives of the Academic Training Department, Student Affairs Department. From SFL-TNU, there are representatives of the SFL’s Board, representatives of leaders of Faculties and Departments, lecturers and nearly 500 new full-time university graduates.

Representative of the Student Affairs Department

Representative of the Academic Training Department

At the beginning of the ceremony, the special welcome program of the students brings to the hall a joyful and exciting atmosphere.

At the ceremony, on behalf of the Department of Training and Learner Management – Mr. Cao Viet Dung – Deputy Head announces of the decision of graduation recognition to award degree for students of SFL-TNU.

Mr. Cao Viet Dung – Deputy Head of Training and Learner Management Department announces the decision of graduation recognition

In his opening speech, the representative of the school’s leaders, Dr. Luu Quang Sang – Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee – Vice Rector sends his best congratulations to the new graduates of SFL and their parents for trusting and accompanying the school in recent years. At the same time, he also expresses his deep thanks to generations of teachers and staff of the school for their dedication to education and training, efforts to overcome difficulties, sincerely thank agencies, businesses and partner units for always accompanying, cooperating with the school during the past time. He also shares: “The school always recognizes the efforts of students during their time at the school, especially in recent years, when both teachers and students, together with the people of the country have overcome the difficulties of the Covid pandemic to achieve today’s achievements, they and their teachers have worked hard, so when they receive a Bachelor’s degree in their hands, they will cherish it even more – recognizing the results they have received. In the future, on the baggage of life, we hope that they will always promote the spirit of overcoming difficulties, training their resilient will, aspiration to rise in life to bring themselves a good future, and also enhance the position of the school with the contributions that they will bring to their families,  community and society”.

Dr. Luu Quang Sang Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Rector of the SFL gives speech at the ceremony

On behalf of all the new graduates – Ms Duong Dieu Linh – Bilingual Korean English Class – Class 41 sends a bouquet of flowers to the school and expresses her thoughts after the years in the university lecture hall: “I express my deep gratitude to the teachers,  for facilitating, teaching, fostering and cultivating basic knowledge for us. During the process of studying at SFL, we always make efforts, try to study, accumulate knowledge to fill the baggage for longevity knowledge. On behalf of the students – we would like to promise that we will be determined to complete the job well and develop their careers in the future”.

Ms. Duong Dieu Linh – Korean English Bilingual Class – K41 presents flowers and gives speech at the ceremony

The graduation ceremony is held in a solemn, dignifying and exciting atmosphere. Representatives of teachers and leaders of Faculties and Departments directly award noble degrees to each new Bachelor.

Dr. Le Hong Thang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of  SFL-TNU awards degree to students

The ceremony ends in an atmosphere of joy and excitement, congratulating the new graduates of SFL-TNU on entering a new door of life, waiting for them with many new experiences. Wish all of you quickly integrate and succeed on your career path, along with the passions and aspirations of youth, try your best to contribute and devote your efforts to the development of the country, become useful citizens for your family and society.

Some photos at the Graduation Ceremony:

Dr. Le Hong Thang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of SFL at the ceremony








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