YSEALI YOUnified Day Thai Nguyen 03.12.2016: “English comes to where we come”
After a meticulous preparation, English Fair 2016 was successfully conducted at a high school in a Vietnamese rural area. There were 250 participants, 43 volunteers and 5 honored guests who contributed to this event. Organizers and volunteers of the event were a group of young people coming from School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University. The event was directed by Tran Thi Hai Yen, YSEALI Academic Fellow 2015 and sponsor of the Community English Club. On the previous day (12/02/2016), four of organizers went by motorbike to visit Dai Tu high school that was the event venue. This school was situated in a rural area in Thai Nguyen province.
In order to achieve a successful result, the team selected motivated volunteers to build a detailed set of activities. Furthermore, the YSEALI volunteers had to coordinate carefully with the high school to gain the enthusiastic response from over 250 students and approximate 50 volunteers and guests.
The English Fair aims were to:
– Create a dynamic English environment for over 250 high school students to encourage them to use English in daily situations through a number of fun and helpful activities including intellectual competition and fun game.
– Teach high school students the way to change waste paper and plastic into various souvenirs and adorable products.
– Celebrate the 3rd birthday of YSEALI.
Volunteers arrived early the morning of the event to prepare all booths. They carried all required implements to the Fair such as posters, books, presents and booth materials. They decorated 4 colorful booth corners labeled Fashion; Book; Restaurant and Game. All decorative items used for setting up the booths were pictures and hand-made products. They all originated as obsolete objects and were made by our ingenious volunteers. In doing this, we raised students awareness about recovering newspaper, plastic or other material into useable objects.
The program started at 8am with a welcome address from Mr. Tran Van Hung, the Principle of Dai Tu High Schools. He said that he felt so happy because university students brought helpful environment of learning English to his students.

Mrs. Trang Tran, Deputy head of English Department – School of Foreign languages – Thai Nguyen University gave an opening speech. She was invited as a Judge in the program
– Create a dynamic English environment for over 250 high school students to encourage them to use English in daily situations through a number of fun and helpful activities including intellectual competition and fun game.
– Teach high school students the way to change waste paper and plastic into various souvenirs and adorable products.
– Celebrate the 3rd birthday of YSEALI.

English Fair really appealed to all students. The high school students welcomed the volunteers warmly. Many of the students recognized us because many had organized a small English program for these students in the capacity as a Community English club few months ago. Yet, this time volunteers came with the role of YSEALI’s members.

Mrs. Trang Tran, Deputy head of English Department – School of Foreign languages – Thai Nguyen University gave an opening speech. She was invited as a Judge in the program

There were two competitive activities. The first round named Vocabstorm with 36 participants dividing into 3 teams to brainstorm English words. Candidates had to base on the given word to think of others relating to the topic accurately as quick as possible. All students were fascinated by this competition so they soon got accustomed to it and rapidly brainstormed so many correct words.

Organizers and volunteers stood in a circle to show their thoughts of this meaningful event.
“Team building” activity attracted a lot of participants. This game aimed to motivate student’s team spirit so that they got chance to get closer.
Mrs. Karyl Petit – American specialist from U.S with a member of YSEALI
Editor: Mrs. Karyl Petit
Translator: Van Vu
Translator: Van Vu