Khoa học - Công nghệ

Meeting on approving science and technology tasks/topics at university level and scientific research of students in the academic year 2021 – 2022

Implementing Plan No. 287/KH-TNN dated September 17, 2021 of the School of Foreign Languages, SFL organizes the approval of 04 science and technology tasks at the university level and 18 scientific research tasks of students in the academic year 2021-2022 on September 22, 2021 at the meeting room.

Dr. Mai Anh Khoa, Deputy Director of Science Technology and External Relations Department – TNU and Ms. Le Thi Hoai Anh – representative of the Financial Planning Department – TNU and members of the Council named in Decision No. 1635/QD-ĐHTN dated September 15, 2021 of the Director of Thai Nguyen University attend the meeting.

The councils have conducted an assessment and appraisal of the overview of the research situation, urgency, objectives, research methods, research contents and budget estimates of the project.

In addition, the research groups of lecturers guiding scientific research students also receive suggestions and share very useful experiences in developing explanations and budget estimates for project by Dr. Mai Anh Khoa and Ms. Le Thi Hoai Anh.

The Councils approve the explanations and request the research groups of scientific lecturers and students to edit according to the Council’s suggestions.

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