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K47 orientation week

In a joyful and exciting atmosphere, entering the new school year, in order to well implement comprehensive education for students, and implement tasks in the 2024-2025 school year, in the morning September, 17th, 2024, the SFL-TNU organize the orientation week for K47. Tuần sinh hoạt...

School of Foreign Languages welcomes K46 freshmen

On September 9, 2023, Thai Nguyen University –  School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL) welcome nearly 800 new students of K46. From 7:00 am, the reception and admission procedures take place in an atmosphere of urgency. The enthusiasm of the new students and parents is the...

Political Education and Career orientation week for seniors

Implement the Plan No. 2149/KH-ĐHTN dated 23/5/2023 of Thai Nguyen University in organizing the Political Education and Career Orientation Week for last year students of Thai Nguyen University, School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL), On June 4, 2023, TNU-SFL organizes the “Political Education and Career Orientation...