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School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University organizes the inaugural program “Internship in teaching English for graduate students of Open University – Ho Chi Minh City

Implementing the cooperation program between School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University (SFL-TNU) and Open University (OU), Ho Chi Minh City, in the morning of October 10, 2023, SFL-TNU organizes the opening of an English teaching internship program for graduate students of Open University,...

School of Foreign Languages welcomes K46 freshmen

On September 9, 2023, Thai Nguyen University –  School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL) welcome nearly 800 new students of K46. From 7:00 am, the reception and admission procedures take place in an atmosphere of urgency. The enthusiasm of the new students and parents is the...

School of Foreign Languages holds the 1st Graduation Ceremony in 2023

In the morning of June 28, 2023, Thai Nguyen University School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL) solemnly holds the Ceremony of awarding the 1st  university diploma in 2023. The university graduation ceremony is an important event in every student’s life, marking the end of university study....

Political Education and Career orientation week for seniors

Implement the Plan No. 2149/KH-ĐHTN dated 23/5/2023 of Thai Nguyen University in organizing the Political Education and Career Orientation Week for last year students of Thai Nguyen University, School of Foreign Languages (TNU-SFL), On June 4, 2023, TNU-SFL organizes the “Political Education and Career Orientation...

Review of master’s thesis syllabus in English Language, course 6B

Implement the plan for the academic year 2022 – 2023 and the master’s degree training program of the School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University. In the morning of April 15, 2023, the SFL Review Board hold a review of master’s thesis proposals for...